
The Only Thing That Matters...

Lately I've been drawn to really dive in and study Philippians. I've read it over and over. I've read it starting at Chapter 4 then working back to Chapter 1 then all the way back through it again. There is such easy, good teaching in this book!

Today, I dug into Chapter 1 and came across a very familiar passage but God has opened my eyes to see these words as I never have before. Most teachers believe that Paul was in prison when he wrote this letter to the Believers at Philippi. In jail! For preaching about Jesus! And he's not wallowing in self-pity, he is still mentoring / pastoring a church a great distance away. His prayer is not that he would be released from prison, but that the Believers' love would grow and be abundant! I fear that I would not be so unselfish!

He goes on to talk about how the things he had suffered and was still going through were actually a benefit to the Gospel. Here's what caught my attention: he said that because of his current trouble, other Believers were becoming more bold in their preaching about Jesus. Some were doing so with questionable motives and others were preaching in goodwill, but then he wrote something most curious to me. He said, regardless of their motives, "What does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice."

Now I've spent considerable time in churches that I dare say would take self-righteous issues with Paul's statement. I immediately recall preachers talking down about other churches or other denominations or other groups that didn't measure up to their standards for such organizations. I've heard some say that they pray for these other groups to close down so they would stop "leading people astray". Paul didn't say that sound doctrine doesn't matter, but he did say that no matter what other criticism can be aimed at others, the single most important thing is that Jesus is preached! I hear local Pastors talk down televangelists and mega-churches but never acknowledge that, at the very least, they are spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I have even done this myself. Today, I repented and received a new way to look at those who do things within the Kingdom of God a little differently than I do.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those "everything goes" kind of guys, but I think it is far better to acknowledge the good that others are doing for Jesus rather than focus so much energy, time and emotion, gossip and slander on what their "doing wrong".

You see, I think we focus on differences between Believers' practices because of Satan's influence in our way of thinking. Others are wrong and I'm right. We become very self-centered and the self-centered life is no longer Christ-centered. That simple migration of thought is what Satan wants. Anything that takes our eyes off Jesus impedes the spreading of the Gospel.

But then, Paul goes a lot further by saying that what has happened to him will turn out for his deliverance. No matter how his life turns out, whether he is freed from prison or is put to death, Jesus will be exalted! Then he wrote those famous words, "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." While this verse has inspired countless great sermons, this mindset is extremely difficult to grasp.

Paul is saying that he is not going to think about his suffering or any other trouble that may come his way. The only thing that matters is Jesus!!! Life or Death; Riches or Poverty; Sickness or Health; Blessing or Begging; Freedom or Imprisonment; Pain or Pleasure; Life or Death - NONE OF THESE THINGS MATTER!!! Telling the story of Jesus and the Salvation that comes with Him is the single, most important thing to Paul.

So, the big take away for me is to get over myself! My role in the Kingdom of God is not to judge or belittle or be 'right' but to Love and encourage others who are preaching Jesus, and to preach Him in my everyday life so that others my come to know Him as their Lord and Savior.

Holy Spirit, help me to live this mindset daily.

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